Assessing What Arabs Do, Not What They Say: A New Approach to Understanding Arab Anti-Americanism
By Lamya Hamad
The attacks of September 11, 2001 did not only spark the wrath of the Bush administration against various countries of the world, but also Bush's primetime question, "Why do they hate us?" By default, 'they' usually refers to Muslims in general and Arabs in particular.
In an attempt to answer this question, The Washington Institute of Near East Studies issued a study with the title, "Assessing What Arabs Do, Not What They Say: A New Approach to Understanding Arab Anti-Americanism" by Robert Satloff, Eunice Youmans, and Mark Nakhla.
Satloff has been the executive director of The Washington Institute since 1993, and is an expert on Arab and Islamic politics and US Middle East Policy. He has spoken of the "need for bold and innovative public diplomacy to Arabs and Muslims." Satloff has authored nine books and voices his opinions in many prominent newspapers. He is also the only non-Arab to host a program, Dakhil Washington (Inside Washington) on an Arab satellite channel (Al Hurra).
Eunice Youmans served as a Keston fellow in public diplomacy at The Washington Institute in 2005–2006.
Nakhla has been the Arabic open source linguist for the Foreign Terrorist Division within the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control. Nakhla also works on public diplomacy issues for Institute executive director Robert Satloff and Ziegler.
At the very beginning of the report, we find a picture of three Muslim women, all of whom are fully veiled. This immediately gives the reader the impression that when speaking of anti-Americanism it goes without saying that Muslims are involved, although not all Arabs are Muslims and vice versa. This is very stereotypical and purports the idea that Muslims are typically anti-West.
Why Do They Hate Us?
A medley of answers has been given to this one question. The study begins by listing some of the answers, "they hate us for our values. They hate us for our policies. They hate us for who we are. They hate us for what we do. They hate us because they hate themselves, their leaders, and their societies and have no better way to show it. They don't hate us at all."
Although polls have commonly been seen as indicative of certain trends or public opinion, the authors of this research paper disagree to using polling data as a way of assessing Arab 'anti-Americanism'. According to the researchers, they admit to polls having gained momentum after September 11, 2001 being a popular way to gauge feelings and attitudes toward American foreign policy. To the extent that polls have been viewed as a significant source to help U.S. political leaders and American media understand Arab political preferences and 'how they assign value to those preferences."
The authors through this research paper attempt to prove that polling data should not influence U.S. policy initiatives since polls cannot be viewed as an accurate source of information. Currently, however, the Bush administration seems to endorse this data source as a method of measuring Arab or Muslim hostility toward the United States .
According to the report, a more accurate reflection of Arab positions toward the United States can be made by assessing behavior, not attitude. They define the suicide terrorism of 9/11 as being a "manifestation of extremely violent and antisocial behavior" and the reasons behind these attacks cannot be evaluated based on attitudes or what people say via polls, but rather through action. Therefore, the linkage between attitude and behavior is questionable unless it is possible to believe that what people tell pollsters is truthful and accurate and can be used as a definite indicator of "their likely actions toward the United States , U.S. interests, and U.S. citizens".
Behavior Not Attitude
This research paper conducts a behavior-based method to assess the political preferences of Arabs. They believe that responses to poll questions could be influenced by a variety of factors that could affect the accuracy of poll results.
There are many types of behavior, according to the report, which can be used to assess pro- or anti-Americanism such as travel to America , study in America , purchase of American goods, investment in American companies, and the enjoyment of American entertainment among others. However, this research paper focuses on one particular behavior – public protest.
From the perspective of the authors, public protest can be used as an indicator because it "represents direct personal action by individuals" and reflects judgment on the part of the person. They believe that these will spearhead the creation of a behavior-based model for assessing Arab pro- or anti-Americanism.
Criteria of Choosing Public Protests
An anti-American public protest is usually a demonstration, riot, or any public gathering, official or unofficial, where the participants criticize the United States of America , its government, officials, policy, or the American people.
The report used information from The Arab Anti-American Protest Database on The Washington Institute's website. The database gathered all media-reported protests with anti-American content that happened in Arab countries in the six-year period from 2000 to 2005. To be included in this database the protest had to have been reported by two media outlets, one Western (for example, BBC, Associated Press, Agence France Presse) and one major Arab media (Al-Ahram, Al-Hayat, and Al-Sharq Al-Awsat). The database includes the following information on the protests: site, timing, magnitude and extent of violent content (symbolic, vandalism, injury, death); it also includes the protest triggers, and the "political-social demographic composition of the protestors".
The report categorized the triggers into three types:
1. Some act of authorized U.S. policy, for example, the invasion of Iraq
2. Some unauthorized act by U.S. officials or representatives, for example, the torture that took place at Abu Ghraib prison
3. Some act by Israel or a third party allegedly supported or endorsed by the U.S. for example the targeted killing of Palestinian 'terrorists' (this of course is the term used in the report which is subjective)
The protestors include:
1. Students
2. Refugees
3. Political party activists
4. Government employees
5. Islamists
Determining the trigger of a protest is very subjective and news reports may not be able to capture accurately the political-social complexion of a group of protestors. For example, the report may associate a certain group of protestors to a political party whereas their ethnicity or sectarianism is the key factor.
The report attempts to filter and verify the information in order to create an accurate picture of the situation. It based its research on 538 protests that happened in the Middle East that met the criteria of the database. The protests are analyzed from different angles and are sifted into groups.
The groups are: region (the region with the most protests), country, protests per capita, cities, timing, size, violence, trigger, composition, and setting.
Not surprisingly, the region with the most occurrence of protests was the Levant (i.e. Egypt, Israel/West Bank/Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria) raking in 60 % of the total number of protests in the six year period. This is understandable because of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the conflict areas in Lebanon , Jordan , and Syria making it a turbulent region. Whereas the Gulf region (Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen) contribute to 36 % of the total number of protests. North Africa (Algeria , Tunisia , Libya , and Morocco ) have the lowest occurrence of public protests with only 4 %.
Although the Gulf region has the second largest per cent of protests, right behind the Levant, the country that was the scene of the most demonstrations in all the Arab world, was Iraq (25 % i.e. a quarter of the total number was in Iraq alone). Egypt was in second place with 21 % averaging 1.6 protests a month, even though Egypt has no significant political tensions or areas of conflict with other countries in the region. Thirteen per cent of the protests were in Israel/West Bank/Gaza, it is possible that many of the protest movements are curbed in this area due to imposed restrictions. The countries with the fewest protests were the United Arab Emirates , Kuwait , and Tunisia .
By cities, the results differ slightly, with Cairo being at the top of the list with 17 %, Baghdad 12 %, and Amman 8 %. Cairo is the largest city in the Middle East in terms of population, and the stage for most of its activities. However, in proportion to the population size of each country, the highest number of protests per capita was found in Bahrain , Lebanon , and Jordan respectively.
Cities with the fewest number of protests were Tel Aviv, Dubai , Casablanca , and Tunis . Per capita, Tunisia has the fewest number of protests, along with Saudi Arabia , and Algeria .
Most of these protests occurred in 2003 (43 %) coinciding with the invasion of Iraq , the fewest number of protests was in 2000 (5 %), which witnessed the ninth anniversary of the Gulf war and IDF (Israeli Defense Force) air raids in southern Lebanon among other events.
The sizes of these demonstrations vary from less than 1000 to more than 100,000 people. However, the majority of the protests (45 %) were between 1,000 and 10,000 people, which the report considered 'medium' in size. A little over 10 % of the protests were in the large category, ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 persons, most of which occurred in 2003. Only 3 % were in the extra large category, with 100,000 plus people. The extra large protests occurred randomly throughout the years but increased in 2002 and 2003. Surprisingly, even with such large numbers of protestors, the levels of violence were not high, and only 5 % of the protests lead to death (of protestors, security forces, or bystanders) and 6 % led to injury. Twenty-eight per cent included symbolic violence such as the burning of flags and 29 % had no reference to violence at all in their reports. Iraq , Egypt , Jordan , and Bahrain had the most violent protests. Again, the number of violent protests increased drastically in 2003 and gradually decreased from 2004 onward.
Seventy-three per cent of the demonstrations with anti-American content were triggered by deliberate, authorized acts of U.S. government policy like the invasion of Iraq ; 20 % were triggered by deliberate, authorized acts of Israeli government policy (for which the U.S. government was considered a collaborator). Acts that were not officially endorsed by the Bush administration but the U.S. government was considered responsible, such as the Abu Ghraib prison torture, made up just 2 % of the incidents. Five percent of incidents were triggered by entities, which are supportive of U.S. policies.
Information concerning the composition of the protests is not conclusive because news reports did not mention it in 20 % of the cases. However, in roughly 38 % of the incidents the main protesters were non-governmental organizations and civil society groups (i.e. professional groups or student movements), and 22 % were sparked by Islamist activists. Fourteen per cent of the incidents were by non-Islamist opposition parties, and only 6 % were by members of the ruling party or government employees.
Protests are staged in different areas, 31 % in the Middle East are carried out in public areas – public squares, streets, or stadiums. Fourteen per cent of protests took place near a U.S. governmental institution such as an embassy or consulate and 13 % occurred near mosques or some other religious site. Third government institutions, universities, and international institutions were the stage of protests in 25 % of the cases, and in 18 % of the incidents, information was unavailable.
According to the authors, the results of the research indicate that anti-American sentiment is not high in the Middle East despite what people think. They based their conclusion on a number of observations. In their opinion, the total number of anti-American incidents was low considering the six-year interval and the population size of the countries in the Middle East . For instance, over the six years there have been 538 reported protests (taken from the database) spanning 18 countries and territories which averages fewer than five protests per country per year. They claim that even in the countries where the frequency of incidents is high, such as Egypt , the total number of protests can only be viewed as low. Considering that Egypt averages 1.6 protests a month whereas it boasts a population of approximately 77 million, 18 metropolitan areas of 1 million people or more, 13 major universities, and a huge number of mosques. The year 2003 witnessed the highest rate of incidents due to the invasion of Iraq , and taking this as an example, the researchers compare the protests staged in Europe and America to those in the Middle East . For example, in France four times as many anti-American protests occurred during the month of the Iraq invasion than in all of French North Africa (Morocco , Algeria , and Tunis ) combined. In the same context, although most Americans told pollsters that they would support the war on Iraq (approval ratings were about 60 %) larger anti-American protests were reported in the United States than in any other Middle Eastern country.
"Incidents were driven almost exclusively by the news cycle". This is one of the observations cited at the end of the report, arguing that the number of protests increased drastically with the reporting of international and regional events, sparking swift and intense reactions, which subsided immediately. Examples of this include the U.S. led invasion of Iraq in March 2003 (97 protests were reported that month alone), the face-off between Israeli troops and Palestinian fighters in Jenin in 2002, and the assassination of Hamas leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in 2004. The relevance of this point seems quite obscure since most people are not aware of international or local events except through the news, and so naturally, they react to news reports.
The paper shows that in general Arab countries reacted differently to turbulent political events depending on proximity. They based this on the fact that in North Africa , protests were rare. Egypt had the second highest number of incidents, although it was not a direct party in the conflicts, but shares a border with Palestinian territory. The most protests per capita were found in Bahrain and Lebanon . Here, Bahrain is not consistent with the proximity theory. This country witnessed twice the level of protests compared to other countries in the region. The report does not explain this phenomenon but relates it to the fact that Bahrain and Lebanon (as well as Iraq ) have the biggest Shiite populations in all of the Arab countries, but they do not clarify how this is significant.
It was observed in the report that the majority of incidents were generally non-violent, and the number of attacks on U.S. property, interests, and persons was low. At the same time, their study shows that there was no increase in the size, frequency, or violence levels of the protests over time indicating that anti-American sentiment was not worsening.
It is also evident from the report that "no correlation exists between frequency of incidents and political alignment of the governments involved" since the countries with the highest occurrence of protests have close diplomatic relations with the United States .
The Aim of the Report
The authors of the report believe that there is no conclusive evidence to indicate rampant anti-American sentiments in the region. According to them, it would be wrong of the U.S. government to restrict their foreign policies or overseas activities due to fear of the public's reaction in the Arab World.
Thus, the poll data reflecting high levels of animosity toward the United States of America contradict the findings of the report. The following factors summarize the conclusion of the report:
1. Rampant animosity toward the U.S. is not evident
The Arab world has not witnessed any persistent mass demonstrations against the United States . The protests are usually started quickly and dissipate almost as quickly. No persistent demonstrations such as the ones opposing the Danish cartoons or the protest against the French government's proposed youth labor laws were seen in the Middle East .
2. Protests are generally infrequent and non-violent
The report does mention that one of the factors for infrequent protests could be that Arab governments may be preventing them, restricting the public's right to dissent in fear of offending the United States or the protesters may turn against the regime in place. Another reason for limited protesting could be that the activists view street demonstrations as ineffective because of the restrictions placed on their activities by their governments. The report suggests that even local governments may be responsible for instigating a number of protests to divert their public's attention away from another issue, or to show official discontent toward some U.S. policy.
3. Poll results need to be re-assessed.
The authors believe that poll results cannot accurately predict behavior. They question the significance of attitudinal anti-Americanism in comparison to behavioral anti-Americanism and pose the question: "Do attitudes matter nearly as much if they do not translate into behaviors?" In addition, what is anti-Americanism exactly? This question should have been posed at the beginning of the report and answered as a part of their research. Especially since the distinction between dissent and anti-Americanism is controversial.
They conclude that polls only predict attitudes, not behaviors, nor do these attitudes necessarily translate into hostile behavior. Also, poll data can be influenced by many factors, decreasing the level of objectivity. The authors believe that anti-Americanism should be gauged by behaviors such as boycotts of American goods, travel to the United States, study at American schools and universities and protests. With these findings, the research has set out to prove that polls should not influence U.S. policy initiatives. The report does not mention which polls need to be re-assessed; they are just referred to in general. This indicates that they believe that all polls need to be re-assessed. However, on The Gallup World Poll website, one of the most famous polling organizations in the U.S. , most of their polls point to low anti-American sentiments.
Despite the fact that the authors of the report appear extremely critical of poll results, it cannot be ignored that polling is a documented method of predicting behavior as well as attitude. Polling began in the early nineteenth century and evolved by scientific research into a more credible method of predicting the outcome of U.S. elections in 1935 with the help of George Gallup.[1] Over the years, polling has gained momentum and through many correct predictions and modifications to its scientifically based sampling procedures, it is now a viable source of information to a certain extent.
Interestingly, this same organization offers poll results that reflect that 'they do not hate us'. This is the same conclusion that the first report leads to as well, but the poll results view it in a different perspective. The report is titled "Muslims and Americans: The Way Forward". This is a special report issued by the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies; the title itself gives a more positive vibe to the report. Where the previous report claims to assess 'Arab anti-Americanism' this report attempts to prove that although relations may be strained between the Arab world and the West, both sides believe in improving this relationship.
This report states that, "Gallup surveys contradict this conventional wisdom [of 'why do they hate us']. The data provide surprising evidence that while Muslims have negative attitudes toward Western foreign policies, their attitudes toward the West are more positive." The report also claims that both Muslims and Americans share common values such as, 'high regard for liberty and equality'.
The report concludes by giving ways to 'bridging the gap' offered by both Muslims and Americans in response to an open-ended question: "What can the Muslim world do to improve relations?" (Of course, the reservation here is that this is not only the responsibility of the Muslim world). The results of this poll show that some Americans believe that there is a "mutual cultural misunderstanding" between Muslims and Americans, and they feel that policy changes toward Muslim countries is unnecessary. At the end of the report, it presents a common opinion voiced by Muslims in many of Gallup 's surveys, which is, "their desire for the West to "respect Islam" and stop interfering in the internal affairs of predominantly Muslim states".
Clear Definitions
In this report, the authors equate any form of dissent with anti-Americanism. But, what is anti-Americanism exactly? To say that anyone who disagrees with American foreign policy is anti-American seems too far-fetched. Yet, the dictionary-definition of anti-Americanism is: opposed or hostile to the people or the government policies of the United States . A more logical explanation of anti-Americanism would be the definition proffered by James W. Ceaser, "Anti-Americanism rests on the singular idea that something associated with the United States, something at the core of American life, is deeply wrong and threatening to the rest of the world".(A Genealogy of Anti-Americanism).
The feeling that the basis of the American society is inherently corrupt could be considered anti-American. The French have pioneered this concept from the 18th century by scholars such as Simon Linguet who warned that the 'dregs of Europe…would build a dreadful society in America …and destroy civilization" (Understanding Anti-Americanism). Since then anti-Americanism has spread from its European birthplace to all parts of the globe. But disdain for American values should be dissociated from people's right to dissent. The public should be free to oppose policy initiatives and governments without being branded as 'anti-American'.
Noam Chomsky, an American academic and a critic of U.S. policy, believes that the use of the term anti-Americanism resembles the "'anti-Sovietism" culture which labels a dissident as hostile to the state. This, Chomsky claims is irrational. For example, "if an Italian criticized Berlusconi and he was called anti-Italian, the people would crack up with laughter, because there’s some kind of democratic culture [in Italy ]".
In the same context, measuring the extent of anti-Americanism in the Middle East through the number and volume of protests is a very subjective process, which has been mentioned in the report. Not enough information is present as to what sparks protests or what factors prevent protests from taking place especially in countries where freedoms are curbed.
The results of the paper might be a correct indicator that no hostile behavior toward America is expected because not all dissidents believe in translating their discontent toward U.S. foreign policy into action or behavior. Nevertheless, it still reflects discontent toward U.S. foreign policy. Yet, to say that the U.S. administration should give a blind eye to the public's opinion overseas while drafting initiatives would be ignoring important indicators that could later help in avoiding international tensions.
Why Do They Hate Us?
This question was introduced at the beginning of the report and although the conclusion is that 'they don't hate us', it would be interesting to examine some of the other answers proffered. "They hate us for our values" - if this statement held truth, then logically speaking, the Arab world would channel some of that hate toward countries like China or Japan that are rich in values.
"They hate us for our policies". Again, the disdain for U.S. policies usually comes when direct political intervention occurs.
"They hate us for who we are". That just does not make sense. Arabs should then hate all Western and non-Arab countries for who they are and what "they do".
"They hate us because they hate themselves, their leaders, and their societies and have no better way to show it". Oppressed countries hate their oppressors and countries that occupy them or colonize them whether Arab or non-Arab.
Anti-Americanism at the end resembles anti-Semitism or anti-Sovietism – they must hate us if they do not agree with us. Over the years, America has defined its relationship to other countries based on whether they mesh with their foreign policies or not.
Questions that should be answered are these: Is it logical to assume that anti-American sentiment is synonymous with discontent toward U.S. foreign policy? So does U.S. foreign policy, in the eyes of the authors, reflect the essence of American values and culture? Should Americans be judged based on their foreign policy?
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